Will You Go To Heaven?

If You Died Tonight, Are You Sure You Would Go To Heaven?

There’s A Thunder In The Distance~Poem By Swan Song

Posted by swansongsinging on April 15, 2012


Poem By Swan Song

There’s a thunder in the distance,
I can hear it loud as can be.
Makes the sinners to repent;
Makes the saints to pray.

Louder it grows,
As it gains momentum.
Louder it grows,
As all of Heaven does shout!

“Come to Me”, says the Lord;
“Come to Me”, & no one else!
“Come to Me”, all who are weary,
“Come to Me”, says Jesus Christ!

Why ridicule the only One who
Can save you, for sure!?
Why curse the only One who
Truly cares for you on planet earth!?

Why trample His Blood
Beneath your feet?
Why doubt the One who
Died to save you from hell!?

Why mock the only One who
Can save you from perishing!?
Why dispute with the only One
Who is called “The Truth”!?

Why not receive instead, the One
Who calls Himself “The Door”!?
His arms are open wide,
And waiting for you to receive!

His promised truth waits for you
From Above, while His beautiful
Light swirls around, & lights the very
Path upon which you now walk!

“Choose Jesus”, is the song!
“Choose Jesus”, before it is too late!
“Choose Jesus”, is the syncopied beat, that
Swells itself in the wake of your path!

Listen to my cry, & listen to my song!
Jesus loves you truly, you see!
And He awaits your answer to
His clarion call from His heart of love!

It is so true, that He will never
Leave or forsake you, though
All others may; for Jesus’ love
Stretches forth for you, eternally!

~Yours Truly In Jesus’ Love~
©2008~Poetry by Amber~

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